Tuesday, April 2, 2013

A Happy Fridge Makeover

 Lets just say, we don't do boring. Ever. And when an opportunity is handed to us, say, in the form of maybe a relative's house key, we take full advantage.
Here we have said relative's sad, dismal and somewhat empty fridge
{possibly because they were on vacation.}

 Somewhat empty fridges do in fact work best in this case. 
Now for the makeover. We simply picked up a couple packets of googly eyes at our local hobby store and went to town!
First the eggs.

Don't they look adorable?

And the condiments. . .

More condiments. . .

And the veggies. . . . we named the potato Herbie. Doesn't he look like a Herbie?

The dressings. . .

The butter. . .

The random stuff. . .

The cheesy things. . .

And finally the rest of the gang.

{I personally think this fridge looks way better.}
And there you have it! A happy fridge makeover!

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